It’s the Wizard of the OLT (Ontario Land Tribunal) that we’re off to see though, and not of OZ.

Citizens’ PLAN B just recently received notice from the OLT that a Case Management Conference is scheduled for all-day August 26th to review Vrancor’s Appeal of the City’s PL-24-22 decision to Refuse their Application to redevelop the Waterfront Hotel property. The link to the OLT’s webpage is:

This meeting effectively provides the OLT with each side’s arguments, so that a determination can be made to resolve the dispute, send it to mediation between the parties or schedule a final hearing. Citizens’ PLAN B plans to participate in this Appeal, but the proceedings are open to you, the public, to audit.

The City and its’ lawyers are confident that they have a compelling case and a winning strategy,

We were all thrown a curveball when Donna Hinde of The Planning Partnership, who facilitated and unreservedly published the Waterfront Hotel Planning Study report on March 26th, 2022, claimed 9 days later on April 4th (1 day prior to the report being reviewed by the City for approval) that City planners had unduly influenced her to limit height to 22 storeys. She went on to state that The Planning Partnership could not professionally support the report and would not defend it at the OLT. Mark Simeoni, Director, Community Planning refuted her claim & asked for evidence to support it, but to the best of our knowledge, to date has received none.

Very peculiar, don’t you think?

We have been quiet of late with our updates to you, but very active in trying to convince anyone who would listen to us at City Hall to compel The Planning Partnership to re-issue the report with whatever measures they require for it to be fully independent. Progress on this front has, unfortunately, been limited to date.

We believe that there may well be a time soon for you, our followers and supporters, to join in and have your voices heard on the Waterfront Hotel redevelopment Appeal at the OLT, and at all levels of government. Please share this article with friends of Burlington, and stay tuned!